Top 7 Safety Tips for Teen Drivers to Be Safe on the Road

By Ruel
Learn to Drive Tips

As teenagers gain more independence, one of their biggest milestones is obtaining a driver's license. While this newfound freedom can be exciting, it also comes with great responsibility. Driving is one of the most important skills a teenager can learn. Here are the seven ways that teens can become safer drivers:

Tip #1: Buckle Up

The first and most important rule of safe driving is to wear a seatbelt. Seatbelts are the most effective way to prevent serious injury or death in the event of a crash. Therefore, it is essential for teen drivers to always wear their seatbelts, as well as ensure their passengers do the same. In Australia, it is a legal requirement for all vehicle occupants to wear a seatbelt or face a fine.

Tip #2: Avoid Distractions

Distractions are one of the leading causes of car accidents among teenagers. Some distractions include eating, drinking, adjusting the radio or GPS, and talking to passengers. To avoid distractions, teen drivers should turn off their mobile phones or put them on silent mode, avoid eating or drinking while driving, and limit conversations with passengers.

Tip #3: Observe Speed Limits

Speed limits are in place to ensure the safety of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Exceeding the speed limit increases the risk of accidents and reduces the driver's ability to react to unexpected situations. Teen drivers should always observe speed limits and adjust their speed according to the road conditions, such as rain or fog. It is also important to remember that driving too slow can be just as dangerous and cause frustration or anger in other drivers.

Tip #4: Keep a Safe Distance

Maintaining a safe following distance is crucial for preventing rear-end collisions. Drivers should leave at least a two-second gap between their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them. This distance should be increased in adverse weather conditions or when driving at high speeds. In addition, teen drivers should avoid tailgating, which can intimidate other drivers and cause road rage.

Tip #5: Don't Drink and Drive

Drinking and driving are one of the most dangerous and irresponsible things a teen driver can do. Even a small amount of alcohol can impair a driver's judgement, reaction time, and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents. Drivers should never drink and drive or get into a car with a driver who has been drinking.

Tip #6: Practice Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is a technique that involves anticipating and avoiding potential hazards on the road. Teen drivers should always be aware of their surroundings, scan the road ahead, and look for potential hazards, such as other drivers, pedestrians, or animals. They should also anticipate the actions of other drivers and be prepared to react accordingly. Defensive driving also involves being patient, courteous, and respectful towards other drivers on the road.


Driving is a huge responsibility and one that should be taken seriously. While it can be exciting, it also comes with great risk. The best way to ensure your safety on the road is by always learning and following the rules. Taking the time to practice your driving skills will help you become a safer driver. The more experience you have behind the wheel, the better prepared you'll be for your first solo drive!

Are you ready to hit the road with confidence? Let Prestige Driving School help you get there. Our safer drivers course covers everything you need to know to be a safe and successful driver. Start your journey towards driving mastery now!

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